Central Spire Project Update
The project to repair Lichfield Cathedral’s Central Spire started with our fundraising effort to raise the £1m needed to repair and restore the damaged stonework and create an exciting public space to reopen the tower to the public.
Scaffolding all the way to the top of the Spire took almost 4 months, and a team of expert stonemasons started assessing the stonework right away.
When our Architect got up close to the stonework and assessed the condition, we found that additional works, such as repointing and more repairs, needed to be carried out.
We are now pleased to update you that the works are now complete on the top five lifts (sections) of the Central Spire and scaffolding starts coming down on Wednesday 4 October!
Work on the next five lifts is due to be completed within the next month, and the aim is to have the scaffolding down to the halfway point before the weather gets colder as the lower 10 lifts are more protected from the elements.
Although the construction is the most visible part of this project, there are some upcoming engagement opportunities for you to get involved with, including a project sharing memories of the Cathedral and also a chance to be part of a dramatic performance in the Cathedral.
For latest pictures of the project and more information visit the Central Spire Project page.
Whatever your memories, thoughts, and experiences of engaging with Lichfield Cathedral, we would like to hear you story.
Send us your story to spire@lichfield-cathedral.org with the subject: Story