As a Cathedral at the heart of our community and diocese, we are seeking to tackle the important issues;
- to allow space for healthy debate
- to be good stewards of this earth
- to be a voice for the vulnerable and marginalised
- to be a place of action that makes real and important changes towards a better future.
ECO Cathedral
As a Cathedral community, we are committed to caring for God’s Creation; we are a Partner in Action with A Rocha UK.
The Anglican Communion’s fifth Mark of Mission is
“to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”
We have adopted an ethical and sustainable framework to guide our policies and practices. In-line with the Eco Church framework, we divide our activity under the following areas: Worship & Teaching, Buildings, Land, Community & Global Engagement, and Lifestyle.
Healthy Healing Hub
“The ministry of healing and wholeness is at the centre of our life as a Cathedral. We are committed to the Cathedral itself being a place of healing, offering visitors opportunities to pray and to experience hope and peace during difficult times."
In partnership with The Guild of Health and St. Raphael, we have become a Healthy Healing Hub, offering support for health and wellbeing to the local community and empowering other organisations within the Diocese to do the same.
Central to our focus for 2022 and beyond, this partnership will put the needs of the community and diocese in prime position, seeking to ‘recover together’ following the traumatic circumstances of the last few years.
"Silence and beauty combine to nurture the soul."
As a Gold-Tier Healthy Healing Hub we seek to serve as a centre of excellence and training.
FairTrade Church
We are a FairTrade Church, committed to using fairly traded products and promoting fair trade. Find out more about Fair Trade:
Latest News
Politics & Faith at Lichfield Cathedral

Each year Lichfield Cathedral hosts a series of talks during Lent on various subject matters. For 2024, in the year where we will see a general election, Lichfield Cathedral are hosting a series of talks by leading thinkers around different political issues.
The series is held weekly in the Cathedral at 19:15, starting on Wednesday 21 February with the following topics and speakers:
Migration and Immigration - Wednesday 21 February 19:15
The Revd Dr Susanna Snyder - Oxford University & Sarum College
The Housing Crisis: A crisis of community - Wednesday 28 February 19:15
The Revd Dr Malcom Brown - Director of Public Affairs for the Church of England
The Climate Crisis - Wednesday 6 March 19:15
Andy Atkins - CEO - A Rocha (UK)
Body Politics: Christians being political - Wednesday 13 March 19:15
The Revd Dr Matthew Bullimore - Chaplain & Fellow Corpus Christi College Cambridge
Faith in the Law - Wednesday 20 March 19:15
Tim Hannam KC - Head of Citadel Chambers
Gregory Platten, Canon Chancellor at Lichfield Cathedral, said: “How do we reconcile our Christian faith with our political views? In an election year, and in a highly politicised world, this series at Lichfield Cathedral seeks to ask the question: how can we be 'Faithfully Political'? Led by key thinkers, this series aims to equip Christians and those who seek to know more about the Christian faith and how it relates to the public square, with tools to help them make decisions - not least - for those with a vote - how to use that vote with Christian integrity. It does so by looking at 'hot button' issues but from a non-party-political way: homelessness, climate and the environment, law and order, migration, and immigration. The series will involve speaker input, some group discussion and plenary feedback.”
All are welcome to attend, no booking necessary.