MusicShare™ is a 20-year old, award-winning Schools Singing Programme that works with local primary, secondary and SEND schools to encourage the joy of singing. It is a partnership programme between Lichfield Cathedral, Lichfield Cathedral School and The Music Partnership.
Today, we work with around 150 schools per year, bringing the joy of singing to thousands of children across the West Midlands.
MusicShare has its own website – so please do visit!
‘A good musical education, with singing at its heart, should, in my opinion, be the birth-right of every child’
Cathy Lamb, Director of MusicShare.
Through a mixture of core projects and one-off workshops, MusicShare staff teach children healthy, quality singing through learning repertoire (popular songs, classical and choral works) in preparation for a performance in front of an audience of family, friends and the local community. These performances are often in the Cathedral but we also perform in many other venues, such as in secondary schools collaborating with their feeder primary schools. We often take Young Singing Leaders (many of whom are choristers and former-choristers) out to schools to demonstrate what can be achieved by children their own age who work hard, rehearse regularly and focus themselves on becoming highly proficient musicians.
Since our inception in 2003 we have reached over 30,000 pupils and worked with over 500 schools (primary, secondary, SEND and Pupil Referral Units).
“It was with pleasure that I accepted an invitation for my school to be one of the first to take part in MusicShare back in 2005. The children loved it and, as Head teacher, I saw the educational value this gave the children. Concentration, listening skills, team spirit, a love of singing – in which everyone could participate but above all the feeling of achievement when more than one school combined to create a large chorus able to perform in such a grand setting.”
– Philip Such, former Head Teacher, Greenways Primary and long-term MusicShare volunteer
“The effect on those involved in MusicShare, pupils, teachers and parents has been profound. Levels of achievement have risen due to the quality of the provision and the commitment of the deliverers. Every school should have the opportunity to be involved in projects such as MusicShare”.
– Jennifer Mason, Senior Music Consultant, Entrust Music Service Staffordshire
MusicShare is hugely grateful for the financial support of Arts’ Council England via The Music Partnership which enables our work to develop and expand.
We have great ambitions and there are many ways we would like to expand the programme to reach even more children. If you are interested in supporting MusicShare, please contact us.
For more information about MusicShare or to join Toddler Rhyme Time, Mini Voices, Young Voices, Youth Voices, Ladies Who Lark or City of Sanctuary Voices contact MusicShare via