Enjoy the simple things at Lichfield Cathedral

Enjoy the simple things at Lichfield Cathedral this summer
Continuing the yearlong theme of ‘your cathedral’, Lichfield Cathedral will be hosting a whole programme of activities and events during the summer of 2022. The theme for the year puts the emphasis on the people who visit the cathedral and indeed the city, with a desire to be a playful resource for our visiting community. With cost of living increases and travel disruption dominating the headlines, there will be many families taking “staycations” this year and the cathedral identified a need to offer support. Lichfield Cathedral has made it their mission to help everyone appreciate and enjoy the simple things in life this summer with a programme of activities for all the family.
“We’re going to do some surprising things,” explains the Very Rev’d Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield. “As Britain’s most landlocked Cathedral, we want to bring an unfamiliar landscape to Lichfield – a beach on the West Front. We know there’s something wonderful about having your feet on the beach. It’s deeply relaxing just to have the time to sit in a deckchair and feel the sun on your face. Our invitation is to come to a sacred place but come and relax and be playful. The Beach will be open daily and, as everyone’s cash continues to be squeezed, I’m delighted that it will be free.”
During the school summer holidays, from 22 July until 31 August, Lichfield Cathedral will have a beach installed on the West Front. This will give visitors the opportunity to visit a beach 100 miles from the sea and get that laid-back holiday feel without getting on a plane. Alongside the beach will be a varied programme of daily activities, deckchairs to while away the time, refreshments on offer, and an 8m-high climbing wall (on specific dates).
In April 2022 Lichfield Cathedral hosted an 8m-high climbing wall outside the front of the Cathedral. The one-day event proved incredibly popular with a stream of kids and big kids queuing up to have their turn at scaling the 4 faces of the climbing wall in a wholly unique setting, with a unique view of the stunning West Front statues. Each Saturday in the summer holidays the climbing wall will be returning and open for people to either book in advance or turn up on the day from 10:00-16:00. For bookings and more information: www.lichfield-cathedral.org/climb
“There’s also the question of how to occupy children and young people in the summer,” Dean Dorber continues. “We hope lots of people of all ages can come enjoy themselves, take in the beauty of this place, and share in God’s playfulness and delight in the simple things.”
There will also be plenty for the kids to do, with a week of free children’s activities from 13 August and, a weeklong summer school on 22-26 August - a joint venture with Lichfield Cathedral School. To book onto the summer school and for more information contact: summerschool@lichfieldcathedralschool.com.
With Lichfield Cathedral’s thanks, the beach is made possible due to the support of Lichfield District Council and Lichfield BID and is kindly sponsored by Friel Homes. Dean Dorber expresses his thanks on behalf of the Cathedral, “I have been greatly encouraged by the way we have worked together with the city to help deliver this ambitious beach project to serve the local community and help promote local businesses, who are on a long road to recovery following the pandemic. It is a testament to the spirit of Lichfeldians and we are hugely grateful for the support of the council, BID and the ongoing support of Friel Homes.”
Find out more: www.lichfield-cathedral.org/beach or sign up for the Cathedral’s newsletter to get the information in advance, including priority booking for events.
The Leader of Lichfield District Council, Councillor Doug Pullen, said: “The Cathedral’s beach is set to be a very popular visitor attraction over the summer, and we are delighted to support it.
“If you can’t get to the seaside, it will offer the perfect opportunity to kick your shoes off and relax with family and friends with the sand between your toes.
“I look forward to visiting the beach and hope people will enjoy themselves at this fantastic holiday facility outside our beautiful Cathedral.”