Latest news on issues that matter...

Politics & Faith at Lichfield Cathedral
Each year Lichfield Cathedral hosts a series of talks during Lent on various subject matters. For 2024, in the year where we will see a general election, Lichfield Cathedral are hosting a series of talks by leading thinkers around different political issues.

RHS - It's Your Neighbourhood Award
Our wonderful team of volunteer Gardeners have been presented with RHS - Royal Horticultural Society It's Your Neighbourhood Award of ‘Level 4 - Thriving!’

Afternoon Tea for Volunteer Gardeners
On Saturday 2 September, five of Lichfield Cathedral's volunteers joined a tea-party thanking those who look after churchyards across the diocese.

ECO - Identifying Moths
Lichfield Cathedral was interested in the nightlife around the Cathedral so, with the help of three local experts, moth traps were installed in the back-gardens of three properties around the Close.

Wildflower Meadows
This year we’re leaving some of our grass to grow longer to give wildflowers a chance to get established.

Counting Nature at Lichfield Cathedral
Children and volunteers worked together to complete a survey of the grass meadow at Lichfield Cathedral.

Rewilding at Lichfield Cathedral
In the Spring 2023, children from Lichfield Cathedral School, assisted by volunteers at Lichfield Cathedral, planted over 300 whips in front of the east wall of the cathedral grounds.

Recording Biodiversity at Lichfield Cathedral
On Thursday, 20th April, the Cathedral hosted a training session on iNaturalist, an app which makes it easy to use a smart phone to identify and record species of flora and fauna.