We are seeking three new non-executive members of Chapter to work with the existing skilled and committed members of Chapter and our dedicated and gifted staff team, to help us to turn our vision into reality and to bring wisdom, discernment and enthusiasm to our oversight and governance of the Cathedral.
Chapter members are trustees of the Cathedral, with all the formal responsibilities charity trustees are expected to carry.
We are looking especially for skills in one or more of the arts, music, marketing, safeguarding, finance, volunteer management and environmental sustainability.
We are actively seeking applicants from backgrounds which are under represented in our current membership.
The role is voluntary and part-time but involves a significant commitment towards our two charitable purposes – to share the Christian faith and to care for the Cathedral building.
The role of the Chapter’s non-executive members covers four areas:
1. Strategic planning
2. Performance monitoring
3. Risk management and compliance
4. Stakeholder management
For more information and how to apply download the information pack.
Closing date for applications: midnight Sunday 2 February 2025
Other documents:
Lichfield Cathedral Constitution
Schedule of Delegated Authority
Complaints & Holiday Proceedure